Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Updates from the Committee on Campus Life!

  The Committee on Campus Life has been moving steadily this semester working and passing many bills to hopefully make a difference on our Stetson campus.  Last semester we were proud to work on the Medical Amnesty Resolution, which was passed out of the Senate and is already on its way to becoming a reality.
Our committee consists of a diverse group of students, involving senators that are commuters as well as from many organizations around campus. We all work well together to come up with legislation that will benefit everyone.
Recently, we have passed legislation concerning the Hollis Center, the Bookstore, and Self Defense Seminars.  We cannot wait to see what else our committee has in store this semester!
Our meetings are on Tuesdays at 5:30pm in CUB 204, and we invite guests and fellow senators to voice their opinions and ideas for what they would like to see changed or implemented on campus.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Updates from the Committee on Residential Life

The Committee for Residential Living has been very busy this semester! We have been working with Dining Services to make suggestions about the Commons layout and have been continuing the Clamshell initiative. As a matter of fact, there is yet another Clamshell update. The Clamshell Cards are now being used and distributed to make life easier for the students and enabling them to carry around a card as opposed to a Clamshell all day.   

      Recent bills that we have been steadily working on include the Meal Charity Resolution and the Hat Rack Hours Resolution. On February 18, the Hat Rack Hours Resolution was passed out of Committee and is now going to be up for Old Business in Senate. There are a few adjustments we are still fixing on the Meal Charity Resolution which we should have ironed out within the next couple of meetings! 

      Our Committee is also very pleased with the housing signups for this year.  We anticipate that the earlier timing of room assignments will go much smoother than years past.  Also, one of our Committee members came back from a conference and has supplied many great ideas that deal with saving energy in the residence halls. Our Committee is very excited to see this project take off! 

Our Committee meets on Wednesdays at 5:45pm in Room 220 of the Lynn Business Center.  We hope to see you there!

Friday, February 13, 2009

State of the Association

Delivered: January 21, 2009

Mr. Vice-President, members of the Senate, my honorable Secretaries, and distinguished guests it is my honor to welcome you back to the final semester of the 125th year of classes, the 72nd year of session of this Senate, and the 101st year of student governance at this great institution. We begin this semester in anticipation of a celebration of our heritage and the transformations we have undergone during the existence of this university. These next few months represent the end of a great period for our institution but also the beginning of a great era with the anticipated inauguration of our ninth President, Dr. Wendy Libby.

This anticipation and celebration is contrasted starkly with the difficulties of our time. We are not isolated from the worries of the world. The economic and political difficulties affect this University and this Association; we should count ourselves lucky to have this opportunity, to learn and lead at this intuition as many of our colleagues did not return to join us this semester.

It is an unfortunate realization that many of the ambitions and expressions of this Association are dependent upon the fiscal stability of our University. As students we must constantly fight for our voice to be heard but must also understand the dire situation faced by our University. I encourage us to work on solutions that support not only our own benefit but the benefit of the entire community of which we are a part.

This does not mean, however, that the ingenuity of this Association should cease. We have, over the past several years, made tremendous contributions to the success of our institution and we will continue to fight for the will of the students and promote the best interest of this University in spite of the hardships we face. It is our work that makes this campus more focused on the students, more focused on active student engagement, student happiness, and student success.

I therefore, encourage this Association to continue to dream big and not let the world’s hardships limit our ambitions.

Soon we will begin the annual process of selecting the next leaders of this Association. I encourage you all to contemplate the awesome task we undertake each day as student leaders as we aim to transform life for the welfare of all and to actively promote and participate in the election of the 95th Student Body President.

In the next few months We the Students will continue to pursue a more equal and powerful role in the process of University governance. We will continue to be the leaders of our constituents, and we will continue to embody the ideals of the Students of our University. We will continue these things because our ideals, our resolve, and our Association are strong.

Andrew J. Glasnovich
Student Government Association
Stetson University

SGA Exec goes to Tallahassee

On Wednesday February 11th, 2009 three of the SGA executives headed to Tallahassee to meet with the Florida Legislature.

There trip focused on the Florida Resident Access Grant, which goes to all residents of Florida who attend in-state, private schools for higher education.

After more than a half-dozen meetings, the SGA representatives have firm commitments that the FRAG will continue; however, cuts should be expected. The executives also learned that the federal stimulus package may not benefit Florida's higher ed or transportation programs because of partisan politics.

For more information contact the SGA reps at:

Andrew Davis: adavis2@stetson.edu
Drew Glasnovich: aglasnov@stetson.edu
Matthew Hick: mrhicks@stetson.edu