Monday, July 20, 2009

Join the H.O.M.E. Team!

H.O.M.E. Team

Helping, Organizing, Moving, Encouraging

Hello Fellow Hatters!

I hope you all are enjoying your summers so far and getting excited to return to Stetson in the fall! I would like to invite you to join me in an opportunity to meet new Hatters and lend a helping hand. The H.O.M.E. Team helps welcome the Class of 2013 to campus on Move-In Day. Come be a part of the excitement to help incoming students and their families move in on Saturday, August 15th!

The H.O.M.E. Team is open to the first 150 students, alumni, faculty, and staff members who apply and who are in good academic and judicial standing. H.O.M.E. Team students will be allowed to move back to campus on Friday, August 14th. You will be provided with dinner that Friday night as well as breakfast and lunch the following day.

Please submit your application to Elizabeth Schaefer at by Friday July 24th if you are interested. This is a great way to not only meet new students but network with old friends and Alumni as well!

Come be part of the H.O.M.E. Team! Feel free to forward this on to friends too!

Best regards,

Alexandra (Ali) Aldrich
Stetson University

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Press Release: Student Government Association announces new Web site

The Student Government Association announces the creation of a new, interactive Web site open to the entire Stetson community. Visit for frequent updates from SGA.

“Become a fan of SGA on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @StetsonSGA,” said Kathryn Peterson, SGA Secretary of Communication.

“Also, applications to be a student senator are now online, so fill out an application today!” For more information, contact Peterson at

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Stetson Community Mourns Austin Wuennenberg

Austin Wuennenberg
April 25, 1988 - July 5, 2009

The Student Government Association would like to, on behalf of the student body at Stetson University, send its condolences to the family of Austin Wuennenberg. His tragic death has left a gaping hole in our tight-knit Stetson community, and he will not soon be forgotten.